How To Make Your First Android App

This is one of the contentions frequently used to make the Android conciliatory sentiment: the system is open and permits anybody to take part by making their own applications. As per him, it's basic, however appearances are misleading on the grounds that it is not that simple to make an application. Find in this article how to make a Hello World!

Sometimes we hear that it is easy to make an application on Android. Simple? All is relative. With some experience, it is not very confounded, particularly in the event that you utilize programs that do the vast majority of the work for you. Nevertheless, it is important to have a few bases. We will make the first year of the project students: bring up a text on the screen that says Hello World. As we are not in school and that our world is the world of Android, we will post Hello EnTech .

Installing the programs needed

Android development is mainly done in Java, one of the most used computer languages. If you already have experience with other languages, especially C ++, you should have no great difficulty to understand.

Anyone can learn to make an Android app, but this is not an easy task
The development environment is that we will use Android Studio, recommended by Google itself. 

Let's start with Android Studio download from this link . After downloading the setup, open it and follow the on-screen information, it is very simple. At the time of installation, it is likely that the application asks you to install the software development kit (JDK 7), you can obtenirà from this link. Once installed JDK, Android Studio installer will ask you where to find jdk, it should be at this address C: \ Windows \ System32.

Once Android Studio is installed, launch it and let's get to work!

Create new project
After starting the software, you get to the screen below. You can imagine, create an application can be a real site and does not fit on a single document, so the term is proposed . So click the first button: Start a new Android Studio project .

Then click Next, and you will reach a new window. In the first input field, you can type the name you want for your application. For example, let's call it "HelloEnTech". The second line is for us little importance. The third is where your project will be saved.

The following window will let you choose which platform and version your application is supposed to work. In our case, we pigs Phone and Tablet because we have no interest in creating an application for a smartwatch, a TV or other connected devices.

Choose on which your application will run. © EnTech

After clicking Next you arrive in a new window. She asks you roughly speaking what type of application you want to create to suit your choice, choose Blank Activity .

You now have before the last window of project creation. Go just a name of activity, such HelloEnTech, the rest should be filled automatically. Of course, you can customize it.

Choose a name for your business, the rest will fill alone. © EnTech

Then wait a moment while your project is created. The software will then load the interface, which can be quite long.

Edit Text
Once fully open software, you can click Project , all left vertical. You should now have the following screen before you. 

This is the window from which we can modify the application. © EnTech

We left the root that will allow you to access the file containing the project. Toward the middle we find the range that will enable us to make changes such as, for example, adding text. Under the palette you can see a Design tab and Text tab, by clicking on it you will have access to the code that, for some, may be more useful than the GUI. To the right of the palette, you see a real-time overview of the changes you make on your project. For example, if you add text, you ule will appear in this menu.

In the root, go to res> layout> activity_helloentech.xml . As you can see, Android Studio chewed we work: Hello World is already displayed on the screen. We want to show EnTech Hello and as we have no fear, we will not only change the text but recreate it. So click Text Fields in the palette, as shown below.

Click Text Fields can delete the text. © EnTech

You can now click on the text Hello World, which now has a blue outline. Press Delete (or Del, depending on your keyboard) to delete the text. Now that this ugly text left your screen, you can put a new one. To do this, go to the palette and then click Large Text and then position it on the preview to where you want.

Of course, you can also go through the code. You can also use other commands such as gravity for vertical or horizontal center your text, etc.

Be careful though. Once you create your text, you can see at the top right a small icon next to textView is a symbol of warning (Warning). It is not a mistake but a reminder that there may be a problem. In our case, it is enough to click on it and then click the arrow and click the first link, as shown in the image below.

The Warnings are not error messages, only information. © EnTech

Function that is not particularly helpful in our case because we all just display text on the screen: you can preview your application on different models of different sizes. By default, you have the Nexus 4, but you can select the one you want.

Select the device you want. © EnTech

Then connect your phone to your computer. To start your application, you just have to click on the small triangle symbol. representative reading, or Play, which is found on all videos (eg on YouTube). In the window that opens, click on your phone and start the procedure. Your application should then embark on your phone.

Advice from a developer EnTech

We have several developers here at EnTech. Anibal Camunas is one of them and graciously helped create this tutorial. He shares his experience and has a message for our readers who are interested in programming, whether professional or amateur.

"Before asking if we can do an application on Android, it must be asked what we felt the first time we had a phone in her hands. When I got my first smartphone, I was a web developer but once I had the camera in hand I realized that the future would involve smartphones. It's been three years since I turned toward programming on smartphone and I have never regretted my choice.  Create application has advantages and disadvantages. The feeling that we feel when we see people use our application is indescribable, and we are happy to say that these are the lines of code that has been written that made ​​it all possible. But on the other hand, one must have nerves of steel when a problem comes out of nowhere and only appears on some devices, these are days and days working to resolve this issue.

If you feel a creative soul, so do not hesitate and try your luck .  "

So feel free to get started. We start with a Hello EnTech and we end up with an app that attracts millions of users. Contact us if you have problems.

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