As we know WhatsApp Messenger is only the giant messaging application. But Everything has a competitor for itself. Same as, Whatsapp Messanger also have a big competitor in market that is Telegram. Whatsapp Is more popular than any other messaging apps with their features and user interface. But it also have lack of features that are currently available on other messaging apps. Yes we are talking about Telegram’s features and privacy options.
Similarities Between Whatsapp and Telegram
Todays everyone wants to join mostly instant messaging apps but lack of time and RAM space, thinks which is better in whatsapp and telelgram? So we are here with a complete comparison between whatsapp and telegram’ s features and functions that will help you to find out your suitable app for messaging.
Both the messaging apps have the same UI (user interface) for Chatting. Both apps needs your mobile number to verify your identity to start your chatting. Both the apps allow to send text, images, videos, files to a particular person or in a grop.
How’s Whatsapp Better
1. WhatsApp Calls
WhatsApp unveiled a most awaited feature namely ‘Whatsapp Calls’. WhatsApp Calls is similar anoy other internet class and use your mobile data or WiFi data to call any contact available on WhatsApp. The WhatsApp Calls is available only if both users have data connection enabled. If you have a strong mobile internet connection then you will get awesome quality of calling. It takes low data usage fpr calling someone. So it is a very good point about whatsapp.
2. Read Receipts
WhatsApp has a read receipts features for its user that brings detailed information when a message is read and when a message is delivered. Whatsapp app displays double tick marks when a message reached to recipient’s device and when it is read then both tik marks changes into blue color. This feature has an option to turn on and turn off for privacy. Any users can change this feature by going to setting and privacy.
3. Backup Of Chats
WhatsApp allows users to backup their chat. This backup can be saved on to memory card/phone storage/google drive. Yes you can backup your chats to the Google Drive and you can set your desired google account for this. This backup file will help you to get back all chats when you changes your smartphones.
4. WhatsApp Status
Yes you can set your status on your profile in WhatsApp, which can be viewed according to your privacy option that can be ‘only contacts’ or ‘everyone’. This status can be anything like ‘driving’, ‘at gym, ‘at school’ and others will get information about your current action/activity/location.
5. Format Text
WhatsApp recently introduced the formatted text which allows users to send text with some different formats. Now you can send Bold text (*text*), Italic text (_text_), Bold & Italic text (*_text_*) and strike through text (~text~).
Telegram – A Secured Chatting Experience
1. Secret Chat
Telegram has a strong & secured chat feature namely “secret chat”. Secret chat feature allow you to start your chats with end-to-end encryption. User can also set a self-destruct timer for a particular chat or user and it will destruct your messages after your specified time. If you want a fully secured messaging app, then telegram is for you.
2. Share Any File Up to 1.5 GB
It is the most important features of Telegram because Whatsapp has ability to share .pdf and .docx file upto 160 MB. A user can share any type of file on Telegram and file can be up to 1/5 GB that is enough for any user. You can share documents, zip, PDF etc. on Telegram. If you have any type of online work then you should go for Telegram to send your files of big size. Whatsapp is no more for this feature and Telegram is Better than it.
3. Use on Multi Devices
Telegram allows you to access your chats on multiple devices and it is done with the help of cloud based sync feature. Telegram allows you to start chatting on one device and continue it on another. All the messages are synced between devices in real time. This featured is available on Telegram but whatsapp has to scan QR code to run on multiple devices. Telegram is still better in this feature.
4. Public Channels and Super Groups
Telegram has many other features like Super groups, public channels etc. Super groups can hold up to 1000 members. Private Channels are same as broadcast service and it can hold unlimited members. A user can send messages to private channels to all members at single click and can receive all replies particularly. Whatsapp Has 256 members in each broadcast list. So Telegram is even better in this section.
5. Stickers and GIF support
A main reason to use Telegram is GIF and Sticker supported app. Telegram supports stickers as well as GIFs images which is knows as animations. You can send thousands of stickers on telegram and animations from the web. Sticker sending is in trend for messaging users so Telegram is better than whatsapp in this section.
6. Edit Messages and Mention People
Do you want to edit the sent message? Did your sent any wrong message to your recipient? Don’t worry, Telegram has a feature for this. Telegram allows you to edit your sent messages and send it again to your recipient. Telegram also have a unique feature that allows you to mention any people by wring letter of name after @ like facebook and twitter. Really it’s amazing.
Conclusion for Whatsapp vs Telegram
- Whatsapp Calls
- Backup chats
- Massive user base
- End to end encryption everywhere
- Limited file sharing
- Limited members in groups and broadcast list.
- Not as feature-rich as Telegram
- Secure
- Mention people and edit messages.
- Stucjer and Gif animations.
- Multi devices.
- Overall more feature-rich
- Bots and great file sharing
- Better platform compatibility
- No calls support or ability to backup chats
- lacks user base
Last words- If you already got your best app for your requirements. Then we also want to tell you if you are going to connect with more friends then you should go for whatsapp and if you want an fully secured ap then telegram is best for you. Here we detailed all pros and cons about whatsapp vs telegram and a full comparison is above for telegram vs whatsapp - which is better?
Source: How To Crazy
Source: How To Crazy